Statement | Invitation to participate in the January 4 March- Umbaddah December Revolution Coordination

Glory and eternity to the martyrs
A speedy recovery to the injured
And the safe return of the disappeared and the forcibly disappeared

Our resistant people:

We salute you for your remarkable sacrifices and tenacity as you continue your peaceful civilian movement to topple the military coup, the toppling of which has become a national responsibility and a life necessity in order to safeguard the lives of Sudanese men and women.

Yesterday, you witnessed the excessive repression and the widespread violations committed by the forces and militias of the military coup against the citizens who took part in the marches in millions on January 2 to reject the military coup and as a result of that violence martyred a group of the vanguard of the resistance and serious injuries among the resistance fighters were sustained and widespread arrests and plundering people’s property and cutting off internet and communication networks in situations extremely similar to the actions of the past government, its strategic objective is to defeat the peaceful revolution with violence, but no way.

Forces of Resistance:

We cannot rest until the Islamic Front regime’s security committee is removed from power, and we have no choice but to act swiftly, expand the mass movement, and organize more and more resistance work in order to empower the resistance, leading to the overthrow of the military coup and the trial of those involved.

Accordingly, we call on the Sudanese people to come out tomorrow, Tuesday, at one o’clock, revolution time, and actively participate in the processions of the January 4 march, which will go to the executioners’ palace.

Revolutionaries of Umbaddah:

The Umbaddah processions will start at exactly one o’clock in the afternoon, revolution time; and head east towards Al-Arda Street and south to Martyr Abdul-Azim Street to meet with the Omdurman processions, then to Al Silah Altibbi Bridge and from there to the palace.

  • The main assembly points are Al Sahrij and Wad El Bashir Bridge.
  • Meeting points and internal paths will be defined the neighborhoods field committee.
  • If bridges are closed; adhere to the directives of the field committees.
  • Processions are committed to peace and slogans of overthrowing the military coup.
  • Commitment to the paths and directions of the field committees.
  • Commitment to the health measures of Coronavirus.

Media and Communication Office
Umbaddah December Revolution Coordination
Monday, January 3, 2022