We pray for God’s marcy and forgiveness to be bestowed upon the martyrs and speedy recovery for the injured, freedom for all detainees, shame and disgrace for the coup forces
Our rebellious people:
We continue to march in peaceful processions on a regular basis, and the apparatus of coup authority’s repression, bullets, and arrests will not deter us. Tomorrow, Monday, May 30, our destination will be in the processions under the name of the coordination processions will be (Neighborhoods Processions). The processions will begin at 5:00 p.m. to continue the journey of overthrowing the coup authorities, armed with our peacefulness, which historically has been and in the future will be terrifying for tyrannical and totalitarian regimes.
This coup authority repeatedly confirms that it is based on a machine of violence and oppression against the mass movement, and that it wishes to rule this country with fire and iron, killing the hopes and aspirations of Sudanese men and women for a modern and democratic civil state with full civil authority based on law and citizenship as a basis for rights and duties.
We urge on all comrades in the resistance committees and the forces rejecting the coup to intensify their efforts and reach the peak of resistance and revolutionary activity, which will lead to the downfall of the coup, in the coming period.
Our proud people:
Victory has signs, and today the sign of our victory was evident in the trial of Tupac and his companions, who showed us that the night must come to an end, and the state of injustice, no matter how long it lasts, must give way to the state of justice, which will last until the day of judgment.
Media Office
May 30, 2022