Press Release | March 28 March – Port Sudan Resistance Committees

We salute you, citizens of the Red Sea State and free citizens of Port Sudan, as you struggle to live a decent life. The bad conditions are no secret to you, as you live in them at every moment and time. Certainly, the situation was not better before the unfortunate October 25 coup, but it is currently the worst it has ever been because of the coup government’s rash actions, which have transformed people’s lives into an unbearable hell. An unprecedented rise in the prices of basic commodities and transportation, continuous increases in fuel prices and the failure of the coup government to control the dollar exchange rate despite the intervention of the Central Bank.

We in the Port Sudan Resistance Committees invite you to come out again on the 28th of March, rejecting the high cost of living and the policies of the coup government that exhausted and impoverished the Sudanese citizen.

We meet with you tomorrow in the streets that did not and will not betray, and we renew the covenant and promise that the authority is the authority of the people and the military belongs to the barracks.

Tomorrow, we will fill the world with noise so that the world does not sleep with its weight on the bodies of the poor.

Media Office
March 27, 2022