Greetings of pride and respect to our honorable martyrs, mercy for their pure souls, speedy recovery for the injured, and freedom for the revolutionaries imprisoned in the cells of the coup authority. A sincere greeting to the masses of free Sudanese standing on the line of fire and exemplified the values of tenacity, courage, and peace in the face of the coup authority.
We are still on the path of steadfastness and resistance, and we are making enormous and precious sacrifices from the best daughters and sons of the great people in order to liberate the homeland and liberate it from the grip of the forces of darkness and the frantic occupation militias whose hands stained with the blood of the righteous martyrs.
We shall write history with words of light that brighten the darkness of the path, and we will write the ultimate meanings of heroism. We shall not be deterred by the unlawful authority’s arrest and forcible disappearance of the free sons of the nation. This will only strengthen our resolve to continue on this road. It is a battle that must be fought to the end in order to overthrow the coup plotters and liberate all Sudanese from the hands of bloodthirsty killers.
The masses of our steadfast people, on February 7th, we will go out, chanting our slogans and sticking to our peacefulness, side by side with our comrades in the streets, writing new epics in the face of the brutal authority. The seventh of February marks a new step in our journey, a step ahead till the full arrival and the voice of the chants drowns out the sounds of the gunshots.
The February 7th Millions march is a renewal of our covenant with the martyrs, and our full commitment to walk the path of freedom until the overthrow of the coup authority and the establishment of civil authority.
Media Office
February 6, 2022