Press Release | February 24 Processions – Khartoum City Resistance Committees Coordination

Salute of pride and dignity, Sudanese people, as you struggle and fight on several fronts against injustice, tyranny, and the loss of national sovereignty in order to realize the high aims for which you ignited the December Revolution. Without a doubt, the peaceful revolution is our path to change, which we walked with our martyrs and will complete together, and the martyrs’ sacrifices will remain the torch that illuminates the way for us.

Since the beginning of our revolution, we have had numerous experiences and, of course, we have learnt a lot of lessons from them that we will not forget and that we will carry with us so that it will remain a beacon for future generations who will receive the banners of struggle. Non-compromise and non-waiving of rights, regardless of circumstances, is one of the most significant of these lessons.

Sudan’s revolutionaries, in order to complete the battles to restore the revolution and fight the counter-revolutionary forces, we invite you to join the processions on February 24th, heading towards Siteen Street, to write a new revolutionary epic and defeat the putschists’ hopes of ruling our beloved country.

“We’ll keep digging in the wall, either we make a hole for the light or we die on the face of the wall.”

Victory is the liberator’s ally.

Media Offic
February 23, 2022