As is typical of tyrannical dictatorial regimes, they do not hesitate to spill the blood of the people as rivers as a sacrifice in order to maintain their hold on the throne that is placed over the skulls of innocent people, and they turn a blind eye when rain overflows and leaves behind what we cannot endure, intensifying the horror of the calamity when the official role of the state falls short of relief efforts and warding off disasters and the wrath of nature. However, as it was expected, the coup authorities adopt the same strategy as the previous government and concentrate their efforts on supplying tools of oppression and robbery of the citizens, as if there is a surplus of Sudanese lives, and it is okay for two-thirds to die and the remaining third to live at the mercy of the boot.
Our patient people:
We, Khartoum State Resistance Committees Coordination extend our condolences to you and to ourselves for the loss of precious lives that the Lord Almighty has chosen from among us. We pray that God accepts them as martyrs, and we also pray for a speedy recovery for the injured, as well as for strength for those affected by the torrential rains that have caused catastrophic conditions in various parts of the country.
And since we have decided to carry the banner of change, it was necessary for us not stand by and watch as thousands of our people’s homes collapsed in Al-Manaqil and the surrounding villages, as well as in many other areas in Sudan’s cities and villages, leaving them without shelter, food, or medicine, or even the most basic necessities of life.
In light of these dire circumstances, we are raising the state of emergency to the highest level and calling for a popular campaign to unite our efforts with the honorable people of our country and charitable and community organizations in order to aid our brothers and sisters. We will announce later the means by which we will coordinate with the actors and how we will deliver aid to areas in need.
Signed by:
- South Omdurman Resistance Committees Coordination
- Umbada Neighborhoods Committees Coordination
- Bahri Neighborhoods Committees
- El Hajj Yousif Neighborhoods Committees Association
- Al Arbaeen, Al Fil, Al Mawradah and Al Arda Coordination
- Sharg Al Nil Janub Coordination
- Umbada Dar Al Alsalam Resistance Committees
- Old Omdurman Resistance Committees Coordination
August 20, 2022